
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun See barb.
  • noun Same as bard.
  • noun A superior teacher or ecclesiastic among the Vaudois.


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  • And in France, it is called Barbe à papa, which means "Papa's beard."

    What are you doing for Cotton Candy Day? ~~louise~~ 2008

  • And in France, it is called Barbe à papa, which means "Papa's beard."

    Archive 2008-12-01 ~~louise~~ 2008

  • As, Shaun replied patly, with tootlepick tact too and a down of his dampers, to that I have the gumpower and, by the benison of Barbe, that is a lock to say with everything, my be-loved. —

    Finnegans Wake 2006

  • (By the way, 'The Widow' is not only what people called Barbe-Nicole, but also what people called her Champagne for many years -- as in, "Bring me a bottle of The Widow, Jeeves.")

    Vinography: A Wine Blog 2009

  • "Barbe," said my father, "you are a holy and worthy woman, but you oblige me to make my excuses to this gentleman for your want of politeness, which is caused less, to say the truth, by the natural disposition, which is a good one, than by your neglected education."

    The Queen Pedauque Anatole France 1884

  • Last week I was reading about Barbe-Nicole Cliquot Ponsardin, the woman who created the modern champagne industry at the time when all the other winemakers were still trying to remove those pesky bubbles.

    January « 2009 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website 2009

  • Last week I was reading about Barbe-Nicole Cliquot Ponsardin, the woman who created the modern champagne industry at the time when all the other winemakers were still trying to remove those pesky bubbles.

    Man — The Mythmaker « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website 2009

  • "It was a very tough decision," Jackson said after choosing Tennessee at the Barbe coaches 'office.

    Jackson changes course, picks with Tennessee over LSU 2009

  • "If Europe sorts out its fiscal problems soon, there is still time for markets to recover fast enough to prevent major economic damage to emerging economies," Sebastien Barbe, strategist at Credit Agricole, wrote in a note to clients.

    Asian Shares Follow Wall Street Rebound Wei-Zhe Tan 2011

  • In 1784, French diplomat Francis Barbe Marbois was assaulted, but no remedy was available to him.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act v Alien Tort Statute? 2010


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