
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun rare, obsolete A diminutive of the male given name Alexander.
  • proper noun A female given name.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From a Scottish diminutive of Alexander.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From a Scottish diminutive of Alison/Alice and Elspeth/Elizabeth.


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  • I called Elsie Moonish right away, but got only a buzz.

    Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1991

  • Stepping over to her, I softly said, "Don't be frightened, dear, but is your name Elsie?"

    Fifteen Years with the Outcast

  • When the ghastly process was over and all quiet, I tapped on the wall and called out at the top of my voice, which wasn't much just then, "No surrender," and there came the answer past any doubt in Elsie's voice, "No surrender."

    Prisons and Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences 1914

  • Stepping over to her, I softly said, “Don't be frightened, dear, but is your name Elsie?”

    Fifteen Years With The Outcast Mother 1912

  • She saw the wistful look in Elsie's face at once, and took special pains to be sweet and tender to her.

    What Katy Did: A Story 1887

  • Do you know, Aunt Izzie – I think that Elsie is the dearest little girl that ever was.

    What Katy Did: A Story 1887

  • "I don't believe the newspapers would be so silly as to print things about you, Katy Carr," put in Elsie, vindictively.

    What Katy Did: A Story 1887

  • So, how likely would you be to dive into a salvage title Elsie, even if the jump is less than twenty large?

    Jalopnik Graverobber 2010

  • Belasco and Henry became friends and set about rewriting a play called Elsie Deane.

    Empire of Dreams Scott Eyman 2010

  • ** "My mother says that in the 59 years since being married to my father, no one had ever called her Elsie Fag."

    Jamie Frevele: "I Want to Be Dick Armey's Wife" 2009


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