
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun US An agricultural school, such as one of the state land-grant colleges.
  • noun US A student or alumnus of such a school.
  • noun Marble or a marble made of agate, or one that looks as if it were made of agate


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

A diminutive shortening of agricultural

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

A diminutive shortening of agate


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  • I said she wasn't too little to do what we were doing, and then Gerra said the reason why Ndege and Dodd weren't the same size is because Ndege had tried to suck the life out of Dodd while they were still in aggie's belly.

    SKENE: CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT Maggie Jochild 2007

  • CSU used to be an "aggie" college, now it seems through their most recent financial campaigns that they are "CU Yuppie wannabees", and have forgotten many of the traditions there.

    Colorado State University Considers Campus Gun Ban 2009

  • CSU used to be an "aggie" college, now it seems through their most recent financial campaigns that they are "CU Yuppie wannabees", and have forgotten many of the traditions there.

    Colorado State University Considers Campus Gun Ban 2009

  • He's been working with them for 33 years: 11 years at an international research center in South America, the rest at Davis, the "aggie" campus for the UC system, where his program is part of the UC Cooperative Extension.

    North Coast Journal Comments 2010

  • He's been working with them for 33 years: 11 years at an international research center in South America, the rest at Davis, the "aggie" campus for the UC system, where his program is part of the UC Cooperative Extension.

    North Coast Journal Comments 2010

  • A democrat in repub territory (I'm in Travis Co, the single dem county in a giant repub state); the lone aggie in longhorn country ...

    funeral food | Homesick Texan Homesick Texan 2009

  • The P300 event-related potential, as real as aggie marbles.

    World Wide Mind Michael chorost 2011

  • The P300 event-related potential, as real as aggie marbles.

    World Wide Mind Michael chorost 2011

  • I would like a few sacred cows thrown in like ethanol and aggie subsidies, but it's a start.

    Friday question answered Jennifer Rubin 2011

  • Fresh apricot pie, I make at least two each summer. aggie Nov 17 pecan pie, always always always!

    Apples & Leaves Pie Top Cutter and a Giveaway! | Baking Bites 2009


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