
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Tenfold.
  • adjective Divided or counted by tens; decimal.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Containing ten; tenfold.
  • noun A division by tens; a tithing: as, “tythings or denaries,”
  • noun A denarius.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The number ten; a division into ten.
  • noun A coin; the Anglicized form of denarius.
  • adjective Containing ten; tenfold; proceeding by tens.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun An ancient coin, the denarius.
  • adjective containing ten parts
  • adjective based on the number ten

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective numbered or proceeding by tens; based on ten
  • adjective containing ten or ten parts


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Latin dēnārius, from dēnī, by tens; see dekm̥ in Indo-European roots.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From the Middle English denarie, from the Latin dēnārius, used elliptically for dēnārius nūmus ("denary coin”, “coin containing ten asses"); compare denary².

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

First attested in 1577; from the Latin dēnārius ("containing ten"), from denī ("ten each”, “ten at a time") + -ārius (whence the English suffix -ary).


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  • As the Dutch had pounds, shillings and pence, before the English had them, we see what _d_ in the signs £ s.d. means, that is, a denary, or a white penny, made of silver.

    Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks William Elliot Griffis 1885

  • The denary (about fifteen cents) was a third more than the daily pay of a Roman soldier.

    The New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The common English version, corrected by the final committee of the American Bible Union.

  • It is working in the denary (or ten) scale of notation, a system undoubtedly derived from the fact that our forefathers who devised it had ten fingers upon which they were accustomed to count, like our children of to-day.

    Amusements in Mathematics Henry Ernest Dudeney 1893

  • To reverse the operation, and convert 2,341 from the denary to the septenary scale, we divide it by 7, and get 334 and remainder 3; divide

    Amusements in Mathematics Henry Ernest Dudeney 1893

  • But if a man said that he had 6,553 dollars in the septenary (or seven) scale of notation, you will find that this is precisely the same amount as 2,341 in our ordinary denary scale.

    Amusements in Mathematics Henry Ernest Dudeney 1893

  • It is unnecessary for us ordinarily to state that we are using the denary scale, because this is always understood in the common affairs of life.

    Amusements in Mathematics Henry Ernest Dudeney 1893

  • Each one was worth a denary, which was a coin worth about a shilling, or a quarter of a dollar.

    Dutch Fairy Tales for Young Folks William Elliot Griffis 1885

  • Aug.: Yet not without reason did the Lord say, "Seventy times seven;" for the Law is set forth in ten precepts; and the Law is signified by the number ten, sin by eleven, because it is passing the denary line.

    Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew 1225?-1274 1842

  • There is a little shop about b7 metres down the road from me (or 150 metres, if you want it in denary).

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • a chump of the evums, upshoot of picnic or stupor out of sopor, Cave of Kids or Hyma-nian Glattstoneburg, denary, danery, donnery,

    Finnegans Wake 2006


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