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  • This is not a's a hiccup, an IPSR menopause thingy.

    Who Ordered THAT??? Zoe Brain 2008

  • She refers to the process of making multiple transitions (such as male-to-female-to-male) as "gender detransition."

    unknown title 2009

  • For Goldstein, the point she arrived at after the long process of transition and detransition is confidence and contentment -- society be damned.

    unknown title 2009

  • Detransitioning may relieve most of the transitioning stress, but at least in the case of male-to-female transitioners who detransition, one can't go fully back to one's previous life.

    Pam's House Blend - Front Page 2009

  • While detransition and the freedom to experiment with one's own body are important topics, and people deserve the freedom to explore transness without censure, Piny crosses the line continually by using her dabbling with T as an excuse to insinuate herself in all things trans as a self appointed ambassador.

    feminist blogs 2009

  • The part about how I'm not really a transsexual is absolutely true, as is the part about how detransition and bodily autonomy are important topics (which is why we should refer to those people as wannabes and trendsexuals), but these things she's saying about me?

    feminist blogs 2009

  • The idea that someone would detransition and then commit suicide tosses in a question that only supports the notion that transgender people are mentally ill and unnecessarily messing with gender identity.

    The Full Feed from Joanne Herman 2009

  • The article goes on to explain that people who detransition about 5% of people who initially identify as transgender often do so out of a fear of losing one’s job, or in response to extreme judgment and hurtful reactions from family, friends and strangers.

    Remembering Mike Penner and Christine Daniels « Gender Across Borders 2009

  • If we are to respect the right of transgender people to decide what names and gender pronouns they choose to go by, we should also respect Penner’s right to detransition and identify for the last year of his life as a man.

    Remembering Mike Penner and Christine Daniels « Gender Across Borders 2009


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