
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A flowing outward.
  • noun Something that flows out or forth; an effluence.
  • noun A passing or an expiration, as of time.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To flow out or away.
  • noun The act or state of flowing out or issuing in a stream; effusion; effiuence; flow: as, an efflux of matter from an ulcer.
  • noun That which flows out; an emanation, effusion, or effluence.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The act or process of flowing out, or issuing forth; effusion; outflow
  • noun That which flows out; emanation; effluence.
  • intransitive verb obsolete To run out; to flow forth; to pass away.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The process of flowing out.
  • noun That which has flowed out.
  • verb To run out.
  • verb To flow forth.
  • verb obsolete To pass away.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun the process of flowing out


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[From Latin efflūxus, past participle of effluere, to flow out; see effluent.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Latin effluxus, from effluō ("flow out or away"), from ex ("out of, from") + fluō ("flow").


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  • However, as the Liberal Democrats were the cleanest party in terms of expenses, the ability to improve representation and take advantage of the efflux is reduced.

    You wouldn’t think women make up more than half of the population… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings… 2009

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006

  • I don't expect to correct his behaviour (I gave up on that many many months ago), but I can ridicule his perversion of discourse so that his efflux is not mistaken for any drops of the nectar of knowledge by the ininitiated.

    Balkinization 2006


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