
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In machinery:
  • noun A cylinder or vessel placed inside another cylinder or vessel as a lining: frequently used in engines or pumps to protect the main cylinder from wear and injury and to facilitate making repairs.
  • noun In iron ship-building, a piece of plate used to fill up a narrow space between a plate and a bar or in the seam of two plates so that they can be riveted solidly together in places where, owing to the arrangement of the parts, the adjoining surfaces cannot bo brought into close contact.
  • noun A person employed in drawing or painting lines, as in decorative art.
  • noun A ship of the line; a man-of-war.
  • noun A vessel regularly plying to and from certain ports; especially, a vessel belonging to one of the regular steamship lines: as, a Liverpool and New York liner.
  • noun In base-ball, a ball knocked or thrown with much force nearly parallel to the ground: as, he struck a liner to second base.
  • noun A ball, marble, or the like that strikes or remains on some certain line of demarcation used in a game.
  • noun One who or that which lines. Specifically
  • noun A vessel of smooth material fit for holding liquids, etc., fitting within an ornamental exterior and made movable for facility of emptying, cleansing, etc.
  • noun In machinery, a thin plate of metal, paper, leatheroid, etc., placed under some movable and adjustable part—a gib for example—to set up the part toward its bearing after it has been worn away as much as the thickness of the plate.
  • noun In marble-working, a long slab of marble to which the backs of small marble tiles, etc., are secured by plaster while being polished.
  • noun A fine-pointed red sable brush, with a metal ferrule and wooden handle.
  • noun A vessel engaged in line-fishing at sea.
  • noun One who writes items for the press, which are paid for by the line; a penny-a-liner.
  • noun A picture hung ‘on the line,’ at an exhibition.
  • noun In law, one whose legal domicile must be determined by some specific legislative or judicial act, by reason of the fact that his place of residence is situated upon a boundary line between different jurisdictions.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun One who lines, .
  • noun An airplane or ship belonging to a transportation company
  • noun (Mach.) A thin piece placed between two parts to hold or adjust them, fill a space, etc.; a shim.
  • noun (Steam Engine) A lining{2}.
  • noun A slab on which small pieces of marble, tile, etc., are fastened for grinding.
  • noun (Baseball) A ball which, when struck, flies through the air in a nearly straight line not far from the ground; also called line drive.
  • noun A protective envelope for a phonograph record or other object.
  • noun A lining.
  • noun Same as eyeliner.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A large passenger-carrying ship, especially one on a regular route; an ocean liner
  • noun nautical a ship of the line
  • noun baseball A line drive
  • noun marketing Inside slang for a basic salesperson
  • noun Someone who fits a lining to something.
  • noun A removable cover or lining
  • noun The pamphlet which is contained inside an album of music or movie
  • noun A lining within the cylinder of a steam engine, in which the piston works and between which and the outer shell of the cylinder a space is left to form a steam jacket.
  • noun A slab on which small pieces of marble, tile, etc., are fastened for grinding.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun (baseball) a hit that flies straight out from the batter
  • noun a protective covering that protects an inside surface
  • noun a large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule)
  • noun a piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From line (verb).

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From line (noun).


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