
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Pertaining to or consisting of stone.
  • Pertaining to stone in the bladder; uric.
  • noun A remedy supposed to cause the solution of stone in the bladder or kidney.
  • Consisting of or related to the element lithium.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective (Chem.) Pertaining to or denoting lithium or some of its compounds.
  • noun (Med.) A medicine which tends to prevent stone in the bladder.
  • adjective Of or pertaining to stone.
  • adjective (Med.) Pertaining to the formation of uric-acid concretions (stone) in the bladder and other parts of the body.
  • adjective (Old Med. Chem.) uric acid. See Uric acid, under Uric.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Of or pertaining to stone; as, lithic architecture.
  • adjective chemistry of, or relating to lithium
  • noun anthropology A stone tool or projectile

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective relating to or composed of stone
  • adjective of or containing lithium


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  • A kind of lithic blogtool, predating and post-dating the stelae, the tombstone and the electronic tablet.

    Killer View 2007

  • Archaeological sites such as lithic scatters, food-processing sites, rock shelters, village sites, petroglyphs, and pictographs are found in the monument.

    Proclamation On Giant Sequoia National Monument Clinton, Bill, 1946- 2000

  • Zach: With Stonehenge, it looks like other human lithic monuments, sculpted (with chisel marks perhaps), but long before humans existed.

    After thoughts on Barr 2010

  • Meanwhile, there is strong evidence that humans erected Stonehenge, just like humans have erected many other lithic monuments.

    A Disclaimer for Behe? 2009

  • Concerning the hypothesis that Stonehenge was made by humans, we can compare it to other human-made lithic monuments, look for evidence of human manufacture, seek signs of human habitation, determine whether humans had the means and opportunity, etc.

    After thoughts on Barr 2010

  • Concerning the hypothesis that Stonehenge was made by humans, we can compare it to other human-made lithic monuments, look for evidence of human manufacture, seek signs of human habitation, determine whether humans had the means and opportunity, etc.

    After thoughts on Barr 2010

  • As I said, Stonehenge is only one of many lithic monuments made by humans.

    A Disclaimer for Behe? 2009

  • With Stonehenge, it looks like other human lithic monuments, sculpted (with chisel marks perhaps), but long before humans existed.

    After thoughts on Barr 2010

  • Meanwhile, there is strong evidence that humans erected Stonehenge, just like humans have erected many other lithic monuments.

    A Disclaimer for Behe? 2009

  • Concerning the hypothesis that Stonehenge was made by humans, we can compare it to other human-made lithic monuments, look for evidence of human manufacture, seek signs of human habitation, determine whether humans had the means and opportunity, etc.

    After thoughts on Barr 2010


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