
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A drinking-vessel formerly in use, especially intended for drinking mead or metheglin.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun historical, Ireland A communal drinking vessel used in Gaelic times for drinking mead. It had squared sides and one drank from a corner. Also, a trophy in this shape.
  • noun dialect Four in the old counting system of Northern England. The variant methera was used in Weardale and Borrowdale.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Celtic numerals.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Related to mead, metheglin


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  • I, OTOH, nailed his ex-wife as being a horrible human the first time I met her at age 4 and loved my stepmom from the first time I mether.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Yale College Student Charged With Voyeurism: 2007

  • I mether on the street about fifteen or twenty days ago, and shetold me she was going soon.

    LINCOLN AT HOME David Herbert Donald 2001

  • I mether on the street about fifteen or twenty days ago, and shetold me she was going soon.

    LINCOLN AT HOME David Herbert Donald 2001

  • I mether on the street about fifteen or twenty days ago, and shetold me she was going soon.

    LINCOLN AT HOME David Herbert Donald 2001

  • Before she could reiterate her question, however, he had mether with another.

    The Letters 1910

  • And in your oaken mether the yellow mead shall flow

    The Four Winds of Eirinn 1906

  • Before she could reiterate her question, however, he had mether with another.

    Tales of Men and Ghosts Edith Wharton 1899

  • He called for ale, and holding in his hands a huge four-cornered mether of the same, rimmed with silver and furnished with a double silver hand-grip, he pledged the King and bade him and his a kindly welcome.

    The Coming of Cuculain Standish O'Grady 1887

  • So, it is not anymore a gtk frondend to the previous python based one. mether pointed me to Vala and I started porting lekhonee-gnome.

    Fedora People kd 2010

  • Is it possible to hard code the style names and loop it or use another mether that does not involve making selections.

    All Discussion Groups: Message List - root 2009


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