
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative form of mikveh.


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  • There is no reason for a mikva to need a shul– in fact, the older mikva in my community is in a converted house.

    Why they’re wrong | Jewschool 2007

  • When I passed through there one morning on a Jeep tour, the tubs afforded a sanctuary, a geothermal mikva, amid the denuded landscape.

    NYT > Travel By ANDY ISAACSON 2009

  • It's a nice idea, but unless it provides a rapid response to the dumb stories the float around the mikva (i.e. like this post) I don't see it taking off.

    DovBear 2009

  • When I passed through there one morning on a Jeep tour, the tubs afforded a sanctuary, a geothermal mikva, amid the denuded landscape.

    NYT > Travel 2009

  • When I passed through there one morning on a Jeep tour, the tubs afforded a sanctuary, a geothermal mikva, amid the denuded landscape.

    NYT > Travel 2009

  • When I passed through there one morning on a Jeep tour, the tubs afforded a sanctuary, a geothermal mikva, amid the denuded landscape.

    NYT > Travel 2009

  • Hamilton also uncovered the Byzantine mosaic floor and beneath it a mikva (ritual bath) from the Second Temple period, which he pointedly did not include in the publication about the mosque, but instead photographed and labeled in a file about the mosque, archeologist Zachi Zweig said on Sunday.


  • "zone_info": "huffpost. premium/blog; nickname = ginny-sloan; entry_id = 374207; abner-mikva = 1; guantanamo = 1; guantanamo-detainees = 1; the-constitution-project = 1; thomson-correctional-center = 1",

    Ginny Sloan: Prominent Illinois Former Prosecutors and Judge Declare U.S. Prisons Fit to House Guantanamo Detainees 2009

  • "zone_info": "huffpost. chicago/blog; chicago = 1; featured-posts = 1; nickname = marcel-pacatte; entry_id = 257028; abner-mikva = 1; blagojevich-corruption = 1; blagojevich-scandal = 1; patrick-collins = 1; patrick-fitzgerald = 1; rod-blagojevich = 1; sandi-jackson = 1",

    Marcel Pacatte: Leave Fitzgerald Alone 2009

  • "zone_info": "huffpost. politics/blog; featured-posts = 1; politics = 1; nickname = reese-schonfeld; entry_id = 104926; @ypolitics = 1; @yus-news = 1; abcs = 1; abner-mikva = 1; barack-obama = 1; bill-clinton = 1; hillary-clinton = 1; scott-mcclellan = 1",

    Reese Schonfeld: Anybody But Clinton 2008


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