
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective comparative form of saggy: more saggy


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  • And four years from now, she will be four years older, four years "saggier" and four years less attractive.

    Top Stories - Google News 2008

  • And even if we do succeed, will we then have enough discipline and perspective to stay together even when we're grayer and saggier, despite our tendencies toward change and innovation and self-fulfillment?

    Jessica Massa: Courteney and David: Another Nail in the Coffin of Marital Monogamy Jessica Massa 2010

  • And even if we do succeed, will we then have enough discipline and perspective to stay together even when we're grayer and saggier, despite our tendencies toward change and innovation and self-fulfillment?

    Jessica Massa: Courteney and David: Another Nail in the Coffin of Marital Monogamy Jessica Massa 2010

  • And even if we do succeed, will we then have enough discipline and perspective to stay together even when we're grayer and saggier, despite our tendencies toward change and innovation and self-fulfillment?

    Jessica Massa: Courteney and David: Another Nail in the Coffin of Marital Monogamy Jessica Massa 2010

  • And even if we do succeed, will we then have enough discipline and perspective to stay together even when we're grayer and saggier, despite our tendencies toward change and innovation and self-fulfillment?

    Jessica Massa: Courteney and David: Another Nail in the Coffin of Marital Monogamy Jessica Massa 2010

  • Men can resemble Bernard Manning's saggier grandad, and they still strut around like the lords of creation thinking they're entitled to a Penthouse Pet...

    Simply the Breast juliette 2009

  • I breastfed for my first and all I got out of it were smaller, saggier, and distinctively uneven boobs when I was done.

    Gossip Girl And The Tummy Of Doom | Her Bad Mother 2007

  • I breastfed for my first and all I got out of it were smaller, saggier, and distinctively uneven boobs when I was done.

    Gossip Girl And The Tummy Of Doom 2007

  • Haber had put on weight, rather a lot of weight, and Arthur was sure the Swiss policeman was looking at him with a similarly critical eye, discerning a slightly saggier version of the trim youth of almost thirty years ago.

    Day of the Dandelion Peter Pringle 2007

  • That was written and performed around 1980 and reflected what most of us knew about Crane and Company; so while Ed and Howie and friends are older and saggier and Murray was given the bum's rush from Cato for having other ideas on economics in 1981, and Williamson Evers is now happily ensconced at Hoover Institute and attended the Bohemian Grove even with John Fund this year, many things have remained the same.

    The Secret Life of Howie Rich and Ed Crane 2006


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