
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A confused chattering; a chattering, prattling, or murmuring noise.
  • Peevish; fretful.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective derogatory UK slang in the manner of or typical of a chav.


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  • I suppose the working clasess back then were just a little less chavish than today.

    Man U And Non U juliette 2009

  • The chavish nature comes from the fact they are put on cars, I believe.

    Is It Something I Said... Kerron Cross 2006

  • It is clear that we have a so-called 'housing crisis' in this country, however if people were prepared to work hard they could certainly afford something, no matter how chavish it may be to begin with.

    The Guardian World News Alexander Chancellor 2011

  • The place is full of in bred, piggy eyed, adidas wearing, chavish oiks and their orange faced breeding partners who live on a diet of Iceland budget sausages and Sunny D with their feral offspring running round making the place look like something that would scare the shyte out of Tolkien and Charle Dickens.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • The place is full of in bred, piggy eyed, adidas wearing, chavish oiks and their orange faced breeding partners who live on a diet of Iceland budget sausages and Sunny D with their feral offspring running round making the place look like something that would scare the shyte out of Tolkien and Charle Dickens.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • The place is full of in bred, piggy eyed, adidas wearing, chavish oiks and their orange faced breeding partners who live on a diet of Iceland budget sausages and Sunny D with their feral offspring running round making the place look like something that would scare the shyte out of Tolkien and Charle Dickens.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • The place is full of in bred, piggy eyed, adidas wearing, chavish oiks and their orange faced breeding partners who live on a diet of Iceland budget sausages and Sunny D with their feral offspring running round making the place look like something that would scare the shyte out of Tolkien and Charle Dickens.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • The place is full of in bred, piggy eyed, adidas wearing, chavish oiks and their orange faced breeding partners who live on a diet of Iceland budget sausages and Sunny D with their feral offspring running round making the place look like something that would scare the shyte out of Tolkien and Charle Dickens.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • The place is full of in bred, piggy eyed, adidas wearing, chavish oiks and their orange faced breeding partners who live on a diet of Iceland budget sausages and Sunny D with their feral offspring running round making the place look like something that would scare the shyte out of Tolkien and Charle Dickens.

    Army Rumour Service 2010

  • This was just a show of yobishness and chavish behaviour. 2009


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  • Din, chatter, vocal noise, especially of birds. Also known as chirm.

    January 5, 2008

  • It's quite elegant really, much more so than, say, twitter.

    January 5, 2008

  • I concur.

    January 5, 2008

  • I feel obliged to put in a good word for twitter (and, by extension, flutter), as it forms the basis for one of my favorite constructions: 'The ladies down at Truvy's were all atwitter at the news of Britt-Britt's latest red-carpet gashflash'.

    Furthermore chavish (doesn't rhyme with knavish) runs the risk of being confused with the descriptor meaning 'having the properties of a chav':

    'Ever since he moved to that fancy prep school, Teddy's behavior has been more and more chavish'.

    January 5, 2008

  • Atwitter's another kettle of feathers entirely.

    January 5, 2008