
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A kind of oatmeal gingerbread.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun biochemistry A particular protein, mutations in which are associated with Parkinson's disease.
  • noun A traditional soft cake of Northern England, usually made with oatmeal and treacle.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

An abbreviation of Parkinson.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Parkin, a diminutive of Peter


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  • When I get down the ramp, I pay the toll, then follow the signs for the airport toward long-term parkin’.

    Daddy Long Stroke Cairo 2010

  • The researchers first discovered a mechanism at work in Parkinson's disease that prevents a protein called parkin from doing its job of keeping the brain clear of other proteins that can accumulate and kill off cells. Chronicle 2011

  • A new study from the National Institutes of Health sheds light on the functions of two proteins related to Parkinson's disease, called parkin and PINK1.

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2010

  • A Michigan State University researcher is working to uncover how a protein known as parkin may help nerve cells fight off damage from


  • Even Mary Berry's light soft brown sugar is a bit mild – no, what you need here is the dark muscovado employed by Claire Clark and Dan Lepard – although the vast amount of treacle the latter spoons in with it makes it taste more like parkin.

    How to cook perfect Christmas cake 2011

  • A whisky mac to cure a cold, a slab of parkin round the bonfire, a pocketful of gingernuts to cheer up a damp walk: all these things really ought to be available on the NHS from October to April.

    How to cook perfect ginger cake 2012

  • His 1965 song "Subterranean Homesick Blues" references the violence inflicted on civil rights protesters by cops ("Better stay away from those/That carry around a fire hose") but also reflected his growing cynicism ("Don't follow leaders/Watch the parkin' meters").

    Peter Dreier: The Political Bob Dylan Peter Dreier 2011

  • You guys just keep on serving up the irrationality softballs and we'll keep parkin ''em Ortiz-style.

    WH: Obama to get more directly involved in health care talks 2009

  • His 1965 song "Subterranean Homesick Blues" references the violence inflicted on civil rights protesters by cops ("Better stay away from those/That carry around a fire hose") but also reflected his growing cynicism ("Don't follow leaders/Watch the parkin' meters").

    Peter Dreier: The Political Bob Dylan Peter Dreier 2011

  • His 1965 song "Subterranean Homesick Blues" references the violence inflicted on civil rights protesters by cops ("Better stay away from those/That carry around a fire hose") but also reflected his growing cynicism ("Don't follow leaders/Watch the parkin' meters").

    Peter Dreier: The Political Bob Dylan Peter Dreier 2011


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  • n. - moist ginger cake made with treacle and oatmeal

    October 19, 2008

  • Moist! About half of Wordies will never eat something with moist in the ingredients.

    October 19, 2008