
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Same as yurt.
  • noun A kind of thickened fermented liquor made by the Turks of milk curdled in a special way.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A fermented drink, or milk beer, made by the Turks.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A liquor fermented from milk, originally by the Turks.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Turkish yōghurt , yoğurt


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  • Matthieu's mother, Corinne, had prepared five desserts for the celebration and, knowing what a good cook she is, I got in line illico* to sample the gateau au chocolat, * crumble au poires, * Madeleines, gateau au yaourt* and a brownie ... or two.

    Savoir Vivre 2010

  • When Jean-Marc asked me to make a cake for the Loto des Commerçants, * I reminded myself, after the initial panic, not to complicate things: just make a simple gâteau au yaourt!

    French Word-A-Day: 2009

  • Perhaps you could direct me to a source or, better yet, advise me on translating two parts of the recipe ingredients for Le gâteau au yaourt.

    affolement - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • When Jean-Marc asked me to make a cake for the Loto des Commerçants, * I reminded myself, after the initial panic, not to complicate things: just make a simple gâteau au yaourt!

    French Word-A-Day: 2009

  • When Jean-Marc asked me to make a cake for the Loto des Commerçants, * I reminded myself, after the initial panic, not to complicate things: just make a simple gâteau au yaourt!

    gateau - French Word-A-Day 2009

  • You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. un petit pot = a jar of baby food le pot au feu = beef stew (special from France) le pot de yaourt = a single serving container of yogurt un pot de chambre = a chamber pot

    pot - French Word-A-Day 2008

  • Matthieu's mother, Corinne, had prepared five desserts for the celebration and, knowing what a good cook she is, I got in line illico* to sample the gateau au chocolat, * crumble au poires, * Madeleines, gateau au yaourt* and a brownie ... or two.

    Traditions 2008

  • Perhaps you could direct me to a source or, better yet, advise me on translating two parts of the recipe ingredients for Le gâteau au yaourt.

    affolement - French Word-A-Day 2010

  • Matthieu's mother, Corinne, had prepared five desserts for the celebration and, knowing what a good cook she is, I got in line illico* to sample the gateau au chocolat,* crumble au poires,* Madeleines, gateau au yaourt* and a brownie...or two.

    Savoir Vivre 2010

  • When Jean-Marc asked me to make a cake for the Loto des Commerçants,* I reminded myself, after the initial panic, not to complicate things: just make a simple gâteau au yaourt!

    French Word-A-Day: 2009


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  • Yaourt – The need to sing along to a song even though you don’t know the lyrics. Instead, you use nonsensical noises that vaguely resemble the lyrics of a song.

    May 21, 2024